Paul sefton-stewart 30th January 2024

On this day, dear Pip, you would have turned four, But fate had different plans in store. Taken from us too soon, it seems unfair, Yet your spirit remains, floating in the air. Memories unmade, dreams left untold, But your presence lingers, gentle and bold. You're never far, always by my side, In my heart, forever you reside. A bond unbreakable, love beyond measure, You brought joy and warmth, a treasured treasure. Though tears may fall, and sadness may persist, Your spirit shines bright, never to resist. Pip, my dear friend, you're forever missed, But your memory in my heart will always persist. In that sacred place, you'll forever stay, A special angel, guiding my way. Remembering Pip, on this special day, Sending love and warmth as we find our way. Hold onto those memories, precious and true, For Pip, dear friend, this poem's for you.